CA Checklist

This checklist is intended to help you navigate the process for this CA. When you have completed each step, click the button to mark this as done. Your input is only stored in localStorage so these responses are private to you.

Use the Criteria section below to self assess your submission and make sure that you have met all of the requirements.

I have chosen an existing application package that meets the requirements I have forked this repository to my own GitHub username. I have created a new branch called workflow I have performed the required changes. I have opened a Pull Request into the fork's default branch. I have requested review from my peers. I have reviewed work from my peers. I have delivered an open PR link on Moodle.

Project is configured to run Prettier on commit Project is configured to run ESLint on commit Code is versioned and branching conventions have been followed. Project readme file is updated to include new configuration information and workflow status badges All known bugs have been communicated in the Issues tab The login function stores a token when provided with valid credentials The logout function clears the token from browser storage The user can log in with the login form with valid credentials The user cannot submit the login form with invalid credentials and is shown a message. The user can log out with the logout button