
In this lesson, we will be looking at an overview of what front-end developers do and the primary languages they work with.

Three languages of the web

The three main languages of the web are HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Each has its own role to play in creating the final website we see in the browser.

The web is built using what is essentially just text files which then get rendered to the browser. The text files all have their own rules and syntax about how the text should be written and what their roles are:

  • HTML is for content
  • CSS is for styling
  • JavaScript is for interactivity

We should aim to keep these independent of each other so that our projects are easier to maintain and have a better structure.

What does a front-end developer do?

As the name suggests, front-end developers are responsible for a website’s front-end web development. Front-end web development, also called client-side development, comprises using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to develop a functional, well-designed website or web application for users to interact with on a direct basis. However, the tools and techniques involved in developing an interactive website or web application constantly keep changing, making it essential for the developer to be fully aware of the latest features in the field.

A front-end web developer can expect to work under various job titles. Some of the standard job titles for front-end web developers are as follows:

  • Front-end developer: An individual skilled in HTML, CSS, DOM and JavaScript up to some extent.
  • Front-end engineer: A very experienced software developer with advanced knowledge of web development tools and techniques. Possesses advanced programming, software development and application development skills.
  • CSS/HTML developer: An individual skilled solely in HTML and CSS.
  • Front-end web designer: A designer must possess advanced front-end development skills (HTML & CSS) and professional design (visual design and interaction design) skills.

Apart from the ones mentioned above, the rest of the job titles include:

  • Web/front-end User Interface (UI) developer or engineer
  • Mobile or tablet front-end developer
  • Front-end SEO expert
  • Front-end dev. ops
  • Front-end testing/QA
  • Full-stack developer (an individual possessing skills related to every aspect of web/app development, including front-end and back-end skills).

Any front-end web developer is expected to show expertise in HTML, CSS, DOM, JavaScript, HTTP/URL and browsers. However, apart from these, additional knowledge regarding content management systems, Node.js, cross-browser testing, cross-platform testing, unit testing, accessibility, cross-device testing, e-commerce systems, user experience, search engine optimisation, portal systems, wireframing, CSS layout/grids, dom-manipulation and many more related fields could prove to be a bonus for a front-end web developer.

Front-end developers mainly develop websites and web applications which run on a web platform such as a web browser. A web browser may be accessed from Android, Chromium, Windows, Windows Phones, iOS, OS X, or Ubuntu. Devices such as desktops, laptops, phones, tablets, smartwatches, televisions and any other device integrating a computer may run web applications.

A web development team usually includes one front-end web developer. In contrast, the entire team, in the case of developing a professional or extensive website/software application for a web platform, contains at least the following roles:

  • A project manager (responsible for the planning, procurement and execution of a project).
  • Copywriter/content specialist (responsible for planning and creating written content for a website).
  • A visual designer (to work with colours, typefaces, graphic design elements, layouts and grids, etc.).
  • The interaction designer/UI designer/information architect (mentioning all user interactions, wireframes, and structuring information respectively).
  • Front-end developer (writing code for the client’s device).
  • Back-end developer (writing code for the server).

If a person claims to possess true expertise in each of the skills mentioned above, they are a rarity and somewhat mythical. However, lately, JavaScript has been infiltrating every layer of a technology stack (such as Node.js, React, couchDB, MongoDB, express etc.). As a result, coming across a full-stack JS developer who can code both the back-end and the front-end is becoming more common. However, not everyone can gain true expertise in an all-around development skill, and while some may claim they do, they may not. That said, it is preferable to focus on front-end technologies if one is to build a career as a front-end developer.



Video: Web programming foundations (58m)
