
To put into practice the technologies you’ve learned in Web and Communications Technology.


In this assignment, you have been tasked with organising your files and folders in order to start developing the website on which you chose to work in Design 1.

Please go to this link to create a repository using GitHub Classroom. This is where you will upload the files and folders for your project.

Level 1 process

  1. Create a repository on GitHub Classroom for your project.
  2. Clone the repository to your computer and open in VS Code.
  3. Create an index.html file in the root folder for your project. It must be called index.html because the server will look for this filename to show as the home page.
  4. Add the code under Resources to the index.html file.
  5. Answer the web security question in the p element with id web-security-answer
  6. Create folders called: ‘css’, ‘js’, and ‘images’. They can be empty folders for now (and if they are empty they won’t show on GitHub). We’ll add to them as we progress in the programme.
  7. Commit and push changes to your repository.
  8. Deploy the site using Netlify.

Level 2 process

  1. Consider making updates or tweaks to the prototype you made for the Design CA. Next we will start developing the site, so if there are any design changes or modifications you want to make, now is a good time to make them.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My first website</title>
    <h1>Hello world!</h1>
    <p>Welcome to my first website.</p>
    <h2>Web Security</h2>
    <p id="web-security-question">How would you advise a potential client to secure his/her website from web security attacks? Note: the word count for your answer should not be greater than 250 words</p>
    <p id="web-security-answer">[Answer here]</p>


  • A link to your GitHub repository (please keep it public).
  • A link to your deployed site on Netlify.