
Linear search is the most basic of searches. It starts at the beginning and then works through all the items to find the value you are looking for.


function linearSearch(list, value) {
  for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i += 1) {
    if (list[i] === value) {
      return i;
  return -1;

Lesson task

Linear searching is the most basic way of searching, and you’ve likely already used this algorithm before.


To be able to write a linear search algorithm.


NOTE: Lesson tasks do not get submitted on Moodle and are not assessed by tutors. They are mainly there for you to practise what you have learned in the lesson.

Level 1 process

  1. Read through the algorithm in the example above, trying to understand exactly what the code is doing.

  2. Recreate the example on your own.

Additional resources

GeekforGeeks: Linear Search Algorithm
