Assessment Criteria Learning Outcomes Completed
Using debugging and advanced JavaScript features
  • The submission contains code that is modular and split into ES6 modules.
  • The submission contains destructured objects and/or arrays.
  • JSDocs was used to document functions.
  • The submission works correctly without any errors.
  • has knowledge of the programming language JavaScript used for developing interactive and dynamic web solutions
  • has knowledge of data structure manipulation techniques such as array manipulation and object destructuring.
  • has knowledge of writing modular code using ES6 modules.
  • has knowledge of processes for testing and debugging.
Using peer feedback to improve one's code
  • The candidate(s) has made effective use of git branching & PRs to manage feature development.
  • The candidate(s) has made effective use of planning tools to coordinate feature development.
  • The candidate(s) can reflect on suggested changes and implement feedback.
  • can explain his/her choice of techniques and tools for developing interactive and dynamic solutions with JavaScript.
  • can explain his/her choice of development processes for solutions using modern JavaScript concepts.
  • can reflect over his/her own practice for the development of interactive and dynamic solutions with JavaScript and adjust it under supervision or user feedback.
  • can find and refer to information and vocational material for development with JavaScript.
All features delivered
  • The submission makes use of JWT to authenticate users
  • The submission allows a logged in user to create a post.
  • The submission allows a logged in user to update a post.
  • The submission allows a logged in user to delete a post.
  • The submission contains working search functionality.
  • can plan and carry out interactive and dynamic solutions, either alone or as part of a group can implement standalone applications in JavaScript given small assignments.
  • can exchange points of view with other with background in the trade/discipline in relation to the development of interactive and dynamic solutions.