
NodeJS is a runtime environment for JavaScript. It allows for developers to create applications that run on the backend of your computer or sever, rather than in the browser.

There are many uses for NodeJS, but for front end developers the most important are:

  • Managing development dependencies such as sass, eslint, tsc or prettier.
  • Managing front end dependencies such as bootstrap, tailwind or react.
  • Previewing changes with a live development server.
  • Running tests on front end components.

Key Terms

  • Node: The runtime environment for JavaScript.
  • Dependency: A package that is required to run a project.
  • Package: A collection of files that can be installed as a dependency.
  • NPM: Node Package Manager used to install/upgrade/remove dependencies.
  • NPX: Node Package Execute used to run packages that are not installed.

Installing NodeJS with NVM

You can view the tutorial on how to install NVM + NodeJS here: Installing NVM.

Installing NodeJS

You can view the tutorial on how to install NodeJS here: Installing Node.

