This Content Management System is maintained by Noroff staff. If you find a bug in the system please report it to one of your teachers so they can fix it.

The search functionality works for the current subject you’re working on and all previous courses.

It looks for the search term within the body text of a lesson rather than just the lesson title.

Display Settings

The display settings are saved using localStorage() and so will be saved per browser. This means that if you view the content on a different device, you might need to add your settings in that new browser.

Light & Dark Mode

You can switch between Light and Dark mode. If you have any issues or suggestions for light or dark mode, please share with a teacher.

Font Sizing

You can increase and decrease font size for the lesson text.

Requesting an Edit

We try to ensure there are no typos in the lesson content, and that the lessons are as clear and easy to understand as possible but issues can creep in and it’s useful for content to be iterated on to make it as easy to understand as possible. If you spot a typo or have a suggestion for a lesson, please message the Course Responsible and they can take it further and make the edits.
